Saturday, June 16, 2012

Penny for Your Thoughts #1

"The first time I brought John home with me, I took him to get your mom and we went to check out the new McDonald's in town. Well, it was Christmas time. Your mom asked if she could where her antler/santa hat. I said, no problem. As we waited in line at McDonald's Penny starts up a conversation with a guy in line. Once we get our food we sit down and she invites over the guy she met in line to sit with us. Well, come to find out, this guy was my step-Grandma's brother. We had great conversation. Then she asked him if she wanted to feel her hat cause she is horny....get it! The hat is a horny antler hat.

Well, after this incident we then meet up with my step-grandma Marlene at the House of Beauty. Marlene was under the dryer getting her hair processed so she couldn't hear well. For some reason Marlene asked if I liked hot sex. She meant Hot Sex the drink but Penny thought it was hilarious and could not stop talking about it all day. By this time my fiance, John, was rolling with laughter too. He was getting a sense of how weird my family was. After that we went to the printing shop to pick up our wedding invites. Where I had to scold Penny because she went behind the counter to say hello to everyone and she wasn't supposed to go there.

John and I remember this story fondly and it always makes us laugh and smile. Your mom is so special to me, she is a gift given to us to see the bright side of each situation and to not take things so seriously.

Hope this makes you laugh too Stacy!

~Trish Chee"

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